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A member registered Jun 30, 2018

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That's probably more a product of me thinking really hard about the question and the situation resonated with me rather than the quality of your work.  I think it's top-notch so I wouldn't try to think about them being too much or too little specific.  Each person playing the game will read the prompts through their own lenses and process the prompts through their experiences.   Which why I think the game is great. My bestie has the game too, so we compare the answers we each got after the fact. 

Hi there I just finished my first game this afternoon and talking about an emotional rollercoaster.  This is a very good game.  It had me really stuck for a while in one of the journal entries and what to do.  I went with the flow and unstuck myself by asking "What would a thousand-year-old vampire do about x?"  

I can see why it won an award and how it can be played over and over.  Thanks Tim for designing a great game.